On the Bank of the Oldman River
Judy and I built our family's summer cabin beside the Oldman River north of Pincher Creek in 1988. It soon became my part-time writing studio. Today it is Judy's art studio. Recently, we built a house higher up the bank. My writing studio today overlooks the river valley and the Rocky Mountains.
I began writing as a reporter and editor in the 1970s, first with The Calgary Herald, then in Australia with The Australian and several weekly outback newspapers, and later as a financial columnist for the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel.
My novels began with The Story Of Blue Eye (a 2004 Grant MacEwan Literary Award finalist), Alexander's Way and The Métis Girl (an Amazon finalist). This trilogy focuses on the historical relationships between Native, Métis and European cultures in southern Alberta.
Almost A Great Escape won the 2014 Alberta Readers' Choice Award, the 2014 Writers Guild of Alberta's Wilfrid Eggleston Nonfiction Award, and the 2014 City of Calgary's W.O. Mitchell Book Award.
Shallow Rapids, my series about small town possibilities, describes how quantum mechanics, love and unexpected people can create cultural change.