The Sun On The Mountains Trilogy





"Not since I devoured saga after saga by that great chronicler of the American West, Zane Grey, 45 years ago have I enjoyed a story of the wide open spaces so much.

Canadian author Tyler Trafford's first Sun on the Mountains series novel set in our own unique 19th century Prairie landscape fills two voids that (Zane) Grey, as wonderful a writer as he was, could not. Back then, I wondered why we didn't have any stories about the Canadian West as good as the ones Grey wrote. Now, with publication of The Story of Blue Eye, we do, and I hope Trafford follows with another absorbing and meticulously researched Western adventure novel soon. "

Joan Taillon,

Windspeaker, Canada's National Aboriginal News Source


that the longest journey for some is the short distance between the head and the heart.

Such is Alexander’s Way … a richly-textured account of the life’s journey of a strange man in strange times …  the most compelling (characters) are the women, who are made of sturdy stuff - strong, insightful, fierce and sometimes frightening.

Debora Steel, Editor in Chief, Windspeaker, Canada’s National Aboriginal News Source.



... Brilliant and exciting... The Métis Girl is one book that every Canadian, especially those who live in the west and those who wish they were, should have on their night stands or in their home libraries.

It’s a book that you’ll find difficult to put down, not just because of its almost non-stop action, but because author Tyler Trafford’s style is easy-to-read, easier to understand and as fluid in motion as a bird on the wing or a fish in the water.

John Copley,

Alberta Native News

SUN ON THE MOUNTAINS is the story of the James family, Quaker bankers forced from Philadelphia during the American Revolution because of their pacifist beliefs. The family re-establishes in the Canadian West and begins trading and intermarrying with the Piikani tribe of The Blackfoot Confederacy. As the prairie culture adapts to the introduction of ranching, farming, and the oil industry, the James build their fortune without losing their family ethics.

The Sun On The Mountains symbol acknowledges the Sun tradition of Native cultures, and the family’s Quaker tradition of the Light Within.

"I don't know how many times I've said ‘You cannot be Canadian and NOT have read the Sun on the Mountains books!'"  

David Bouchard,

Order of Canada, Governor General's Award (2004), the Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry award (1997)

and the Anskohk Aboriginal Literature Award(2007)